DCM – Accounts approved finished admin March 20, 2020 DCM – Accounts approved finished2020-06-03T13:48:00+00:00 Approval of District Budget, Levy and Examiner The District Treasurer has produced the budget for the Rotary Year 2020-2021 and this is required to be approved by the council. Also the District levy and the accounts examiner needs to be approved. Please use the form below to submit your vote. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastClub Role/District Role/PDG *Club name/District Team member *The Annual Budget for 2020-20121 has been presented by the District Treasurer. Please confirm your acceptance of these accounts: *I ACCEPT the budgetI DO NOT accept the budgetI abstainThe District Levy for 2020/21 is proposed at £22 per member, unchanged from 2019/20I ACCEPT the levyI DO NOT accept the levyI abstain. The appointment of Sally-Ann Delf proposed as Examiner for the 2019/20 accountsI ACCEPT the proposalI DO NOT accept the proposalI abstainWebsiteSubmit