Supporting Ukraine
The £10 Challenge
Community and International Team leads Nick Corke and Howard Philips – together with DG Ian Elliott – challenge all clubs to raise £10.00 per member. This can be either individual members contributing or the club making a payment for the total number of their members. The price of four cups of coffee will help our Rotary colleagues in Ukraine continue with their amazing work (see the video below).
Of course – you can raise more!!
The appalling situation in Ukraine has not improved since the Russian invasion which happened in February – it is still worsening day by day. More than eight million people have been displaced and been forced to flee their homes. Leaving behind jobs, belongings and loved ones, they now face an uncertain future. Homes have been destroyed or are unsafe to live in. Critical infrastructure such as health facilities, water supplies and schools have also been damaged or destroyed.
At the start of the conflict we looked to support our Rotarians’ efforts who were working in countries on Ukraine’s borders such as Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Moldova, and caring for the huge numbers of people arriving with only what they could carry.
Since then, we have made contact with the Rotary Club of Kyiv International in Ukraine. At our recent District Assembly their Charter President – Oksana Tjupa – gave us a presentation on the work they are doing across Ukraine. It was both inspirational but also emotional. It is clear that the best support we can give them is financial and also expertise.
She kindly agreed to come back for a dedicated Zoom session to talk to us on 11th May. This was just two days after the May 9th Victory Day in Russia when there was great worry as to what weaponry might be unleashed.
Please take time to watch this video. Oksana’s presentation will update you on the incredible work that is being done by Rotarians in Ukraine and will give you an idea of the personal sacrifice they are making.
This is truly Service above Self!
The Zoom session can be seen here:
Financial Support
Rotary in East Anglia has a dedicated bank account to take payments to support this response. Payments may be made by clubs and individuals. The bank details are:
Lloyds Bank:
Account name: R I District 1080
Account no. 30502360
Sort code: 30-84-54
We recommend that individuals make payments to the following account where Gift Aid may be claimed:
CAF Bank.
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account number: 00015104
Account name: RIBI District 108 Charity Trust
(note: account name is correct – 108 was district number when account opened)