Welcome to the Membership resource area

My name is Tony Grover. I am your new District Membership Lead (DML) for the next two Rotary years 2024-25 and 2025-26.

I have been part of the team of Rotarians my predecessor, Paul Wilkinson, moulded together over the previous three years from across District 1080. Rotarians who possess a diverse set of skills and experience and who are set to take the promotion of Rotary involvement and membership forward. It’s my turn now to take on the task of continuing the job Paul performed so well.

I don't think we can deny that over the last decade or so we have all seen a great deal of change in the way that modern lifestyles have affected the way we live. We know too well that the considerations people now give regarding when and how they allocate their spare time, and to what organisations they may wish to become involved with, has changed. Rotary understands the need to change in order to attract people from all walks of life to join in with us doing good things in our communities. As the 'Borg' in the TV series Star Trek Voyager consistently state, "Resistance [to change] is futile"!

We can't afford to be complacent. It is up to all Rotarians to present Rotary membership in a vibrant, diverse and positive way. This will be our message as we look forward. It is the job of your Membership Team to help you all along the way.

The team are in the process of developing a new marketing and public image strategy for the district which I hope you will all come on board with when it is published. We are working to provide a resource that can be used by any club throughout the district to assist with the promotion or Rotary membership and involvement. That resource, and others that emerge in the future, will be accessible via this page.

I will keep you updated with progress concerning the ideas and initiatives your team are currently working on. I will also let you know about training opportunities, seminars and other meetings that you could all become involved with if you wish. I would encourage your nominated club Membership representatives to be at the head of the queue to join in.

Please don't forget that as Rotarians you already have access to the wide range of membership promotion material available via My Rotary, the Learning Centre and Brand Centre on the RI website. Please use those facilities and please use your Membership Team to help you as well. I, and we, can be contacted via the email address given below.

Our team focus is to endeavour to increase the number of Rotarians and Rotary Clubs throughout the district and retain those we already have. We don't want to lose any Rotarian along the way. I understand that personal circumstances sometimes cause individuals to consider their ongoing membership of Rotary for a variety of reasons. We can't do much about our Rotary friends who have gone to higher service, but for those of you that might be considering giving up membership of your club, for whatever reason, I would urge you to give maintaining your Rotary membership in some other way some serious consideration so that you may remain involved with all the good things you know Rotary does. If you are one of those people please contact us via the email address given below. A member of our team will contact you back to discuss one of the membership options that are available for you to consider.

Please keep in touch and let us know about any new membership promotional ideas or events that you or your club may be entertaining. If we can help in some way we will be glad to. Please don't hesitate to get in touch to discuss further. I look forward to hearing from you.

Tony Grover
District Membership Lead (DML)

New Member Guide

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